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Selected essays and articles from Andrew's work in the Arts and Arts Education
The Discovery Learner in a Body of Knowledge World.
When I was about thirteen my father idly commented that the lock on the outside door of his treatment room was broken. Without asking I...
Creativity and Associative Thinking In Relation to the Disconnected Learner.
Set Theory, as it was taught to me in the sixties at university has given me a great model for understanding my own thinking processes....
The Role of the Arts in Restoring and Renewing Culture.
A paper prepared for the Drama Teachers Conference 18th June 2005. All over Australia there are indigenous and non-indigenous people...
"From where I am to where I want to be." The Arts and Adult Learning.
For the Adult Community Education Conference. July 2003 by Andrew McNicol Director -Arts Excentrix Inc I would like to present an...
Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences.
Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligence defines human intelligence in broader terms than the traditional view of intelligence that...
We live in a time where Kaltja is all but overwhelmed. I use the word Kaltja to mean culture or cultural practice that has its base in...
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