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Art Auction & Market 2018

The Clearing House Final 6x4.jpg

Artists tend to accumulate unsold works that sit in their studio. This can be a positive, in that these works can act as a stimulus for new works that are a further development of the themes of the earlier work. It can also be a clutter and any artist is well aware that there are many reasons why works may have not sold at exhibition, not the least being that someone who loves the work may not be able to afford it at Exhibition prices. This led Suzi Windram to come up with the concept of a silent art auction.


Being Arts Excentrix any event is we hold is inclusive and sociable. The Mt Barker District Council provided us with the funds to engage a gypsy style music trio and those attending brought their own food and drinks and enjoyed an afternoon of music food and wine with the opportunity to purchase a wonderful artwork at a much reduced cost.


This event was extremely successful and we intend to hold a similar event each year.

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