Dance Excentrix
Dance Excentrix formed their identity and dance style through their founding Artistic Director, Elizabeth Dalman. The company, founded in 1986, has performed in most Adelaide Fringe seasons since the company, under Elizabeth's Direction, mounted "Scangiarusca" for the 1988 Fringe Festival.
Following the traditions of other cultures the dancers have developed a passion and commitment to honour the mature dancer, and seeks to propagate the legitimacy, physical wisdom and raw truth of the elders amongst us.
In 2005 Dance Excentrix became Arts Excentrix to acknowledge the expanded skill base and range of artistic pursuits.
Since the beginning of time, men and women have danced. It is universal! In its myriad of forms it can be primitive, ritualistic, cultural, social or spiritual. It can be magical, spectacular or just basic. It can be recreation, communication or indeed salvation.
Dancing is for all ages. It is exercise for the body and mind. It is a marriage of movement and music. It is creative. It is inherently uplifting. We dance because we love it. It is in our soul!
Classes are held every Friday morning in the Hahndorf Institute between 9.30am to 11.00am. The class consists of warm up exercises for strength and flexibility progressing into dance movements using various styles of choreography. Anyone is welcome to attend and no previous experience is needed - just the motivation to give it a go! Age is not a consideration.
Most of the current members are over fifty. The cost is $10 a class. After the class, company rehearsals are held for those involved in new dance works for up-coming events.

Performance by ArtsExcentrix dancers at the opening of Landlines Bloodties exhibition. Lynn Elzinga-Henry & Suzi Windram

Dance Excentrix not only contributes to shows mounted by Arts Excentrix. The dancers often contribute to a variety of community performances in a variety of contexts as well as contributing regularly to Arts Excentrix Events (Performances and Exhibitions).