Get On Your Feet

This event was created in memory of local Adelaide Hills activist and writer Audrey Windram. The Audrey Windram Poetry Prize trophy, which will be awarded at each years event, was crafted by Suzi Windram and glazed by Pat Hodson. It celebrates an iconic poem by Audrey called Egula. The central theme of this work talks to the way nature talks to us and through us, sometimes in very mystical ways.
On Friday the 22nd of February Arts Excentrix Inc held an event called,
“Get On Your Feet”.
The concept involved established and emerging poets sharing their work in a very casual and light hearted context. The setting was The Organic Market Cafe in Stirling. Participants ranged in age from eight years old to others in their seventies. This was a competition in the most uncompetitive sense. All those who attended put in $2 to a kitty and were given a piece of paper and a pencil to make “notes”. At the end of the evening a silent vote and tally were held and the collection of $2 coins were given to the winner. The point of this event was to bring people together to share the spoken word in a context that was unthreatening and engaging, both a social gathering and a celebration of the power of the spoken word.
We look forward to holding this event once a year. This years winner was Bruce Greenhalgh. Congratulations to Bruce, and to others, get out your pen and start writing now for next years event!