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Notice of AGM
After a quiet period due to Covid, where our primary activities have continued but we have met less often, we are holding an A.G.M. Saturday to 7th of October from   2 P.M. until 4 P.M. At 41 Conrad Road Longwood. All welcome. 


The Clearing House 2019

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Older Work Making Way For The New - Arti

 Arts Excentrix Clearing House Art Auction and Art Market is on again this year. It will be held as it was last year in the beautiful historic garden of Anni Luur Fox in Main Street Hahndorf.


The rationale driving this event: Artists tend to accumulate unsold works that sit in their studio. This can be a positive, in that these works can act as a stimulus for new works that are a further development of the themes of the earlier work. It can also be a clutter and any artist is well aware that there are many reasons why works may have not sold at exhibition, not the least being that someone who loves the work may not be able to afford it at Exhibition prices. This led Suzi Windram to come up with the concept of a silent art auction.


Being Arts Excentrix any event that we hold is inclusive and sociable. We have engaged Monsieur Swing, a gypsy jazz music ensemble, and those attending are asked bring their own food and drinks and enjoy an afternoon of music food and wine with the opportunity to purchase a wonderful artwork at a much reduced cost. Each of the major works to be auctioned will have a bidding sheet next to it and potential bidders will be provided with an identifying symbol or number. There will also be smaller art works for direct sale.


Artists include: Suzi Windram, Lynn Elzinga-Henry, Anni Luur Fox, Jenny Bolto, Glen Reynolds, Pat Hodson and Ingrid Mangan.

"Get On Your Feet"

On Friday the 22nd of February 2019, Arts Excentrix Inc held an event called, “Get On Your Feet”.


The concept involved established and emerging poets sharing their work in a very casual and light hearted context. The setting was The Organic Market Cafe in Stirling. Participants ranged in age from eight years old to others in their seventies. This was a competition in the most uncompetitive sense. All those who attended put in $2 to a kitty and were given a piece of paper and a pencil to make “notes”. At the end of the evening a silent vote and tally were held and the collection of $2 coins were given to the winner. The point of this event was to bring people together to share the spoken word in a context that was unthreatening and engaging, both a social gathering and a celebration of the power of the spoken word.


We look forward to holding this event once a year. This years winner was Bruce Greenhalgh. Congratulations to Bruce, and to others, get out your pen and start writing now for next years event!

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Arts Excentrix 30th Anniversary Celebration - 2017

The opening for this exhibition was really well supported. Thank you to those who attended. Arts Excentrix Directors and committee are extremely grateful to the staff at the Coventry Memorial Library for their support and enthusiasm. The systems and facilities at the venue are first class for events such as ours. This facility is more than just a library, it is truly a cultural hub for Stirling and beyond. 


THANK YOU to all who attended this exhibition.
Being accepted for this stunning venue gave the artists an excellent opportunity to show their works to a greater audience. The National Wine Centre hosts thousands of people a month, as well as the many casual vistors coming in from the Botanic Gardens. We were overwhelmed by the positive feedback, and sales reflected this. If you missed this exhibition, keep an eye on this page for updates and information about future events.


To coincide with the Gardens of the Mind exhibition, Arts Excentrix have published a beautiful 17 page booklet with artist's statements, reproductions of artworks and a summary of our excursions into Dance, Public Art, Music and Events. 

The cost of this limited edition is $10 + postage. If you would like a copy please email us at



FOR SALE - Fused glass birds 

Arts Excentrix studio artists are continually producing a range of small and large birds for sale. These are available for sale at Hahndorf Academy, Burra Regional Gallery, Murray Bridge Regional Gallery and direct from the studio. Please contact Arts Excentrix if you would like to stock these beautiful birds or to enquire about what is currently available at the studio.



Classes are held every Friday at the Hahndorf Institute between 9.30 - 10.30 am. The class consists of warm up exercises for strength and flexibility, progressing to dance movements using various styles of choreography. Anyone is welcome to attend and no previous experience is needed. Age is not a consideration - most of the current members are over 50. The cost is $10 a class.

Email us for more information.

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